Friday, May 8, 2015

Beautiful Women

With Mother's Day this weekend, I've been thinking a lot about the women in my life and all the women who are impacting and will impact my daughters. The truth is, whether you have children or not, you are part of motherhood. Young girls are looking to you (maybe even my own) about what it means to be a woman. You are mothering them.

I have had so many beautiful woman speak into me. It makes me want to do the same. It makes me see the calling and NEED to be connected in that way.

I'm richly blessed. So, I want to take a moment to openly thank many of you. (In order of appearance)

To my own mother - you are brave. You are the bravest woman I know. You saw opportunity in a foreign land (literally) and seized it. Because of your bravery, I am. Because you took a chance - A CRAZY CHANCE - I exist. My sisters and my daughters and who we all are and are becoming are due to your bravery. You broke out and made a way for us. You teach me bravery. Te amo a la luna y de vuelta.

To my "little" sisters - Ally and Robin - You made me want to grow to be beautiful. Not in appearance, but in my spirit. I wanted to take what was given to us and multiply it. Thank you for letting me practice my mama skills on you. My daughters will be better for it. My parenting is better for it. You two are the only ones who walked through all of it with me and by blood, will always have to.
It's amazing to me how 3 very different women can come from the same place. But I think that show's God's unique design. I will always want to tell you what to do, but thank you for loving me anyway. Thank you for choosing to believe my heart for you is love.

To my Carino - my sweet chosen grandma next door. Much of who I know God to be is because of you. You took the time to take in the neighbor girl next door and called her family. You have shared with me God's unconditional love and from you I have learned how to love others - not just the family you are born into, but those outside of those lines. You have shown me how to reach out to the community around me and pour into it. Thank you for being a safe place for me. Thank you for teaching me compassion.

To my Paula
- you are who I think of daily when I am up against the grind of it all. When I am overwhelmed with being a full time working mom, I think of you. When I feel guilty for wanting to be a mom AND a career woman, I think about you. You did both and your daughters are better for it. Because the truth is, you have taught me that though I am called to mother my sweet girls, their needs will ultimately be met by our Father in heaven. He is sovereign and you teach me to trust that. And to be ok with needing time away and needing something outside of my "mom" role.

Sabrina (Fathead) - Big sister. I have always wanted to be like you. I still do. You have paved the way so beautifully. You are intelligent, gorgeous and literally the FUNNIEST person I know. You make me laugh more than anyone! I always have fun when I am with you and I always feel like "I am woman, hear me roar" when I am with you. You are determined, you are strong, you are lovely. Believe it because that shit's the truth!!! Te amo, prima.

To my sweet childhood friends - Darcie: you and your mom were my home away from home. So much of my elementary days were safe with you.

Courtney, Drew, Shannon, Katy(s), Mehgan, Nabila - thank you for loving me in the "awkward years" when it was all so easy but felt so hard. Thank you for the slumber parties, the craft nights, the binge eating, the gossip (yes, I'll admit to it) and for being my circle. Thank you for loving me even when I valued what some silly boy thought over you. You taught me the value of friendship. You helped keep me stable. And you may never know it, but you and your families showed me what I could strive for, regardless of what I came from.

To my Amy - you were the only friend I had that spoke the same heart language. You are a rare treasure. Thank you for calling me out when needed. And thank you for helping me to accept grace for myself. Thank you for praying with me and for me.
Thank you for loving my sisters. Thank you for being the one outside of it all but yet you chose to be in it all.

To Carmella - Thank you for giving me a stage to dance on, and an escape. You, Hannah and Jake made me believe I could do it all.

To Maria - Thank you for listening to my drama and never making me feel stupid. You always made me feel like what I was going through or what I had to say was important. You showed me how to listen to others and the importance on holding my tongue... I'm still working on that one. Thank you for being part of my cloud of witnesses. I long to see you again but know that we are still connected.

Molly - You are a gem. Your genuine heart and ability to be at ease even when I'm acting a fool is soothing. Your ability to laugh and cry with me all in the same minute makes me want to be more open. Not in the blabber-mouth way (I've got that), but in the vulnerable way. Thank you for the long talks, the music, and for helping me sort through my own mind.

Courtney Jo
- You are one of those that I won't ever let get away from me. Your zeal for life, your desire for adventure and your laughter are contagious! You teach me to not live in a box.

Kathy - You are selfless. You are pure delight, my dear. You are joy. You are invaluable and I am honored to have you as the girls' godmother. If anything ever happened to me, YOU are the woman I would want my girls to model after. No pressure. ;)

Jessi - In such a short time, we connected. You are a breath of fresh air. You are STRONG. You show me how to endure and be strong despite my circumstances. Despite my emotions.

Cassie, Alicia, Stacy, Stephanie - Thank you for loving my children. Thank you for being my friend AND for your investment into Ester and Lucy's lives. Thank you for "babysitting" but more so - for loving them. For speaking to their hearts when they are anxious and for being a safe place for them to grow in.

Michelle and Carrie - I admire you as mothers, as friends, as woman. You are both so giving. Thank you for being my sounding board. Thank you for letting me vent and for laughing with me about all the mess. I am so grateful to get to work with such sweet friends.

I could go on and on.

This list is in no way extensive. But it is an example of how unique God has made us all. It is an example of people who took the time (whether by choice or because we are related) and invested in me. I am confident because of you. I am so hopeful for my girls and what they will contribute to this world because of you.

SO! Whether you are a "mother" or not, whether your child is on this earth or in heaven, whether you are waiting to become a mother or whether you have no desire to ever be one - YOU ARE SO CRUCIAL TO ME, TO MY GIRLS, TO SOCIETY. Believe that. It takes a village to raise a child but it also takes a village to thrive as an adult.
P.S. That rhyme was not intentional, but I like cheese so I'm going to leave it...

Be blessed.