Thursday, June 5, 2014

Let's Get It Started!

Nothin' like a good "Black Eyed Peas" song title to kick of a blog! Am I right? Actually, I don't listen to much of their music but when it comes on the radio, I can't help but dance. I love to dance. It's good for my soul.

I'm starting this blog on a whim. Like just about every other human, my life is full of messy, hard shit. And sometimes it helps me be able to turn my brain off at night if I have written in my journal or vented to a loved one. Well, my journal has a stack of dust on it that would make a mite foam at the mouth and my husband, Derek, usually falls asleep in the middle of my rants so. . . sorry internet, you're up!

A lot of people have asked me what my blog is going to be about (and by a lot I mean two co-workers and Derek), and the truth is, I have no idea. I guess it's going to be about me.

I want to live more openly. I'm not talking about the kind of open where someone is not afraid to speak their mind; I've pretty much mastered that. You know the old saying, "open mouth, insert foot." Yeah, I'm one of those people. So that's not what I mean but rather, open to the point where I am sharing my struggles and growth in the rawest way I can (without exploiting my loved ones, of course. . . but the unloved ones, Psht! Stay tuned for some major exploitation! Juuuust kidding.)

Well, this is probably the world's worst introductory blog ever written but it took me about 75 minutes to decide on a background and I have yet to eat dinner. And holy crap!! I just glanced at the clock on my computer and it is 9:59! For a mother of very young children, that's about when I turn back into a pumpkin.

Turning into a pumpkin runs in the family.
Here is a picture of my oldest sweetie, sound asleep.
Ester, age (almost) 3
P.S. I let her pick her own bedding. . . don't judge.

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